
Monday, July 1, 2013

We're Commited :)

Today we mailed off our commitment package to our agency! Once they receive it-- and cash our $2,500 check-- we will "officially" have begun our road to our sweet little angel in Bulgaria! :)  With every day our excitement grows, and we are one step closer to meeting our little prince or princess!   The Lord is so good to supply our financial needs to make all of this possible- so far, He's sent in every dime for what everything we've needed so far!  Application fee, passports, adoption training, commitment fee, and even postage for mailing the packets back and forth! ;-D He's also sent in half the money for our home-study fee! I know that the rest is on it's way- and can't wait to watch Him provide! It never ceases to amaze me. I've known all my life the Lord is ABLE to provide every need we have-- and that He loves to work in "impossible" situations-- but to watch Him do it in our own life, is such an amazing thing! I really hope that down the road, some person somewhere can hear our story and be encouraged in the fact that He can do the same for them!

We're finally working on our adoption training! After a few lot of days of "technical difficulties" and phone calls to the company, we finally were able to access our courses and begin the classes. It's very educational to say the least! (A little depressing too, I might add.) We've learned about everything from mental illness, to attachment disorder and trust issues. It really sheds a lot of light on things we've not thought about. Especially about bonding and post placement issues. I'm sure there will be a post about that later on; stay tuned!!

We are now awaiting our home-study instructions, a list of documents and things they will need to start that. For some reason, this part is really scary to me. I'm sure it will go just fine, it's just a little scary to know someone will be scrutinizing every part of your life with a high-powered microscope!! On the other hand, this is just a small price to pay to bring home our little one and once we are together, my fear of this home-study will fade into a far distant memory! I can't wait to get started with this step though, and even more, I can't wait to finish it! haha!

Well, this is turning into a book- so I'm going to go practice my Bulgarian words I learned today, and go to BED! Goodnight all!


  1. I promise it's not scary! I remember feeling the same way and wanting every inch of our home to be perfect. Honestly most of it was paperwork we had already filled out, they asked a few questions and looked at the child's room. They weren't there more than 15 min. Don't stress.... this will be the easiest part of your journey!

    1. Thanks so much!! That's very encouraging! :-D


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