
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Home Study Fun

Fun might be a slight over-exaggeration, but still... this is good stuff.
Autobiographies, marriage questionnaires, parenting questionnaires, defining words that you normally don't think about-- I have seriously had to dig out my thinking cap! Retelling the story of my life, (from my earliest childhood memories, to my deepest fears-reliving and telling about situations that shaped and made me into the person I am today), has really been an eye opening experience. I'm typically a very private person, I don't show emotion well and I definitely don't open up to complete strangers and tell them my history.  There are a lot of things in my past that I've kind of shoved to the back of the memory center, and would like to leave there. Writing it all down for my autobiography is bringing back so many memories, both good and unpleasant ones, and you know what- it's also brought a realization that EVERY. SINGLE. THING. in my life has worked together for GOOD. It's all been a part of the puzzle of my life--every trial, struggle, heartache, let down, along with the many good times I've had--has been just one little piece of that puzzle.A tiny little stepping stone, each building on the last, and when I look back I can see this beautiful road that I've been blessed to travel.  I would not be who I am today without each and every puzzle piece. I'm so thankful that even when we can't see the whole picture, God can, and He's working all things for our good! A tiny little stepping stone, each building on the last, and when I look back I can see this beautiful road that I've been blessed to travel. So basically, the questionnaires and biography I was so dreading, has actually been quite a fun experience.  And it has been good for me and my (already wonderful) marriage.

Maybe it's just me, but I've realized that as time goes on, I have (unintentionally) begun to take for granted some of the most endearing qualities that first attracted me to my hubby in the first place. I know as a woman, it's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life; on top of which is a mile-high pile of laundry, meals to prepare, dishes to wash, never ending messes that need to be cleaned up and the magical little cleaning fairies that used to come to our house when I was a little girl-- well, they never make an appearance at my house now. With so much time and effort put into those things, (needful things that aren't at all wrong) it's easy to see how a couple gets bogged down and forgets to put  the TIME and EFFORT into their marriage. Marriage is work too, let me just tell you! It takes 100% from EACH party, but it is SO worth it. There's nothing sweeter than having a good husband and wife relationship, and I will just insert here that I have the best husband in the world!

I have had quite a few requests to post a copy of the questionnaire on my blog. Since that's property of our adoption agency, I'm not going to post the whole thing, but I am going to post a modified version! Feel free print this off and fill it out! You will be amazed at the things it brings back to mind and maybe you'll enjoy it as much as I did! If you do decide to take the challenge, I'd love to hear from you!    xoxo, Steff

1)  What attracted you to your spouse? What were your earliest impressions of him and have these impressions changed?
2) What has been the most difficult period of your marriage and how has it affected your relationship?
3) What do you argue about and how do you resolve the arguments?

4) What qualities do you most appreciate in your spouse?
5) If you could change anything about him/her what would it be?

6)   If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?

7) What do you see as the happiest of times of your marriage?

8) What goals do you work towards in your marriage?
9) What does security mean to you?
10) What areas of your marriage have room for improvement?

11) Describe your role as a wife.

12) What activities do you as a couple and individually?
13) Describe what things your husband does as your spouse.
14) What does your spouse do that makes you feel special?
15) How does your marriage compare to those around you?
16) Rate your marriage. (In any way you choose)
17) How do your ideas on child rearing differ from your spouse?


  1. This blog site is such a blessing, and the Lord is using you in ways you don't even realize. You and Spencer will be wonderful parents, and that sweet little baby will be truly blessed to have you as their mommy and daddy!

  2. Thank you SO much! That's such a blessing to hear! Glad you are enjoying following along with our story! God bless!


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