
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

$10 Tuesday (and other FUNdraising news!)

We are so super thankful for all of the money that rolled in yesterday on $10 Tuesday!! :) I really had no idea how it would go, and wasn't really expecting much to be honest! We had a grand total of ........$1,110 come in yesterday! Granted, a huge chunk of that came from a donation by Spencer's work, but we are amazed to watch it all come in and that brings our grand total so far to over $6,000! Which leaves us needing only around $26,000 more!! That still sounds like a lot, I know, BUT, at least it sounds better than $32,000. And although we don't know exactly where it will come from, we know it's going to come in just like the first $6,000 has! I sure do love watching God work! 

This sweet little girl that has been making and selling bracelets brought us over $100 this past weekend! Well, she must be one busy girl, because she's sold over 100 more since then!!
The money she's raised so far completely paid for our FBI fingerprints and background checks!

I love the fact that our God can use ANYONE. Big, small, young or old! He can do ANYTHING. He loves to work through his people, and all you have to do is be a willing vessel!  Hope you all have a blessed Wednesday!

Again, we are so grateful to each and every person who has prayed for us, offered encouraging words, or given a donation! We don't take you all for granted!

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